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篇名 定量流速分析在心臟血管磁振造影之臨床應用
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 Clinical Application of Quantitative Flow in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
作者 陳霆霖陳素秋周安琪惲純和
頁次 355-362
關鍵字 心臟血管磁振造影主動脈瓣膜定量流速分析心臟瓣膜逆流率Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance ImagingCardiac Aortic ValveQuantitative FlowAortic mRegurgitate Fraction
出刊日期 201209


心臟血管磁振造影(cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging﹐CMRI)是一種非侵入性的綜合性檢查,可檢查心血管的結構、心臟的運動功能、心肌的存活度及血流灌注等。本研究主要是利用心臟血管磁振造影檢查中的定量流速分析(quantitative flow﹐Q-FLOW)去評估主動脈瓣膜逆流率的嚴重程度。本院使用 3.0 Tesla 磁振造影掃描儀(MR scanner)及 32 通道心臟陣列線圈,自 2010 年 4 月至 2012 年 8 月間,共收錄 30 名到本科做心臟血管磁振造影檢查的患者,在使用常規的檢查波序後,針對心臟之主動脈瓣膜,加入一項定量流速分析的檢查技術,將所取得之影像經工作站做後處理分析,由此分析數據可判定病患心臟瓣膜逆流率之嚴重程度,分析結果為輕微的有 1 名,中度的有 3 名,其餘 26 名皆為正常,定量流速分析檢查所需的時間很短,但卻能提供醫師很重要的心臟瓣膜功能數據及診斷指標,為病患尋求更好的醫療診斷品質,及早發現可能的心血管疾病,進而降低死亡率。


Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, CMRI is a non-invasive comprehensive examination. It can check
cardiovascular structure, functions of cardiac movement, myocardial viability, myocardial perfusion, etc. This study
mainly uses quantitative flow, Q-FLOW of CMRI to evaluate the severity of aortic regurgitant fraction. Our hospital uses
3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance scanner, MR scanner and 32 channel cardio array coil. From April 2010 to August 2012, 30
patients who came to our department for CMRI were recruited. A Q-FLOW analytical technique was added for cardiac
aortic valve check after the routine pulse sequence examination is performed. The images are after processed for analysis
by a workstation. Severity of patients regurgitant fraction can be judged by the analytical figures. The results indicate that
one patient was mild, three were moderate, and the rest 26 were normal. Q-FLOW analysis takes only a short time but can
provide doctors with key figures and diagnostic indicator for the function of cardiac aortic valve. It helps patients in
seeking better quality of medical diagnosis, possibility of discovering cardiovascular diseases in early phase, and reduces
the mortality rate.
