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篇名 臺灣固體放射性廢棄物處理處置概述
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 The Sketches of Taiwan Solid Radiation Waste Treatment and Disposal
作者 何任展林招膨游澄清李桂樑郭瓊文
頁次 363-370
關鍵字 固體放射性廢棄物處置處理Solid Radiation WasteTreatmentDisposal
出刊日期 201209




In Taiwan, some radioactive waste which comes from nuclear power plants is stored in every power plant, besides,
there are 100,000 cans of waste stored in Lanyu. The source of radioactive waste includes medical radioactive materials,
industrial radioactive materials and some waste from processing industry, agriculture as well as research institution.
Nuclear fuel waste and the resting liquid waste of reprocessing are classified as high radioactive waste, the remaining
waste is low radioactive waste , and the solid radioactive waste is a kind of solid which is solidified from radioactive
waste. Due to the trend of eco-conscious, the disposal of radioactive waste has been gradually emphasized. This article
will mainly introduce the processing procedure and final disposal of radioactive waste, describing the environmental dose
which is measured nearby the Lanyu storage space, also, understanding the condition of radioactive waste disposal.
