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篇名 越界與回歸:《纂異記》、《瀟湘 錄》中小說托寓主題的兩種態度
卷期 38
並列篇名 Border-crossing and Returning: Two Perspectives toward the Fiction Themes in Zuanyiji and Xiauxianru
作者 賴信宏
頁次 155-201
關鍵字 回歸越界瀟湘錄纂異記唐傳奇returningboundary crossingZuanyiji XiaoxiangluTang fictionTHCI
出刊日期 201209


纂異記》、《瀟湘錄》二書在唐人小說中,因包含政治寓言諷刺的性質 而別具特色,但前人多無深究其托寓背後的生命關懷,本文試圖透過小說文本 的線索,爬梳表面的怪異敘事與政治寄託背後,蘊含深刻的對自我與人世的關 懷,此一關懷分別反映在回歸與越界兩個主題上,並從這兩個主題的突顯,指 明二書在托寓敘事上所呈現的兩種態度。越界主題,則反映李玫在士子處境的 關懷中,透過想像性的越界行爲,擺脫現實的束縛,契接群我認同,並在觀照 他者的互爲主體詮釋中,找尋生命抉擇的道路。回歸主題,特別突出了柳祥在 系列故事中,運用變形、精怪故事的敘述框架,闡明一種探原本性的企圖心。 據此深化唐人小說研究對作者主體意識的理解。


Among works of Tang fiction, Li Mei’s Zuanyiji and Liu Xiang’s Xiaoxianglu are specifically characterized by their political concerns, yet the authors# attitudes toward life are scarcely investigated. This study presents their concerns for the lives of themselves and others that are hidden in the themes of their grotesque narratives. The “boundary-crossing” theme of the Zuanyiji reflects Li’s caring about intellectuals, his casting off all restraint with imagination, and his life choices through communal identification. The “ returning” theme in the metamorphoses and supernatural plots of the Xiaoxianglu signifies Liu’s consecutive attempts to discover his real nature. With this study, a more thorough comprehension of the authorial consciousness among studies of Tang-dynasty novels is expected.
