
女學學誌:婦女與性別研究 THCITSSCI

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篇名 同志教育進/出校園之間 以台灣同志諮詢熱線的實作方式為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 Analysis of LGBT Education Practiced in Gender Equity Education
作者 蔡宏富
頁次 083-136
關鍵字 性別平等教育同志教育台灣同志諮詢熱線gender equity educationLGBT educationTaiwan Tongzhi Hotline AssociationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201206


性別平等教育法於 00 年通過至今,有許多性別議題在校園中蓬勃發展,包括同志教育。然而,同志教育雖受到法律保護得以在校園實行,但在實際操作面上,並不如其他性別議題一般容易。本文以台灣同志諮詢熱線為研究對象,分析其進入校園實行同志教育的過程所遭遇的困境,以期能指出目前性別教育中的各種性別議題有中心─邊陲的關係出現。本文發現在整個性別教育當中,同志教育仍處於邊緣位置,此邊緣化的現象並非理所當然。在入班演講上,教師必須處理上級、同儕與家長所帶來的壓力與質疑;在教師研習上,重複的法令規定與議題的一魚多吃,獨厚性騷擾與性侵害防治教育。現實校園中,許多教育者也只把性別教育當成兩性平等,此種以「兩性」平權為核心思維的性別教育觀念,無形中將同志議題邊緣化。最後,本文肯認性別平等教育法的立法初衷,但要再進一步落實同志教育,則需有更為建制化的師資培育與有系統的同志課程融入,才能讓同志教育更有力地現身在教室中。


The Gender Equity Education Act of 00 marked the beginning of gender equity education in schools, including LGBT education. However,the practice of LGBT education has not been successful in Taiwan schools.This study observes the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (TTHA) as its
focus. Through the experiences of TTHA’s LGBT movement in schools,this work discusses the gap between the law and practice. The findings show that LGBT education remains marginal in gender education. In practice, the curriculum arrangement of a school limits LGBT education,and many educators have considered gender education as a matter of sex equality, which marginalizes LGBT education. Lastly, this study recognizes the original intention of the Gender Equity Education Act.LGBT education would be practiced in classes if it had more institutional developments of teachers and systematic LGBT courses.
