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篇名 心理動力導向兒童心理治療中的父母諮詢內涵與成效
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Psychodynamic Parent Consultation Process and Outcome Studies
作者 林玉華
頁次 047-063
關鍵字 心理動力導向父母諮詢家族諮詢兒童心理治療歷程研究PsychodynamicParent consultationFamily consultationChild PsychotherapyProcess research
出刊日期 201112


背景動機: 父母諮詢是兒童問題處置過程中不可或缺的一環,許多個案報告顯示父母與兒童能夠藉由動力導向的父母諮詢獲益,然而過去文獻缺乏針對此導向之歷程與內涵的系統性分析。本研究以質性研究法探討「動力導向父母諮詢」的歷程、內涵及其效果。方法: 兩位兒童臨床工作者,針對十四組家庭各進行一週一次父母諮詢。所有諮詢歷程皆被錄音、謄成逐字稿並依兒童臨床工作者介入時間點進行斷句編碼。之後由本研究員以紮根理論分析方式針對有意義的段落進行開放式編碼和內容屬性分析與歸類。兩位在英國受過相當訓練的精神分析導向兒童心理治療師,根據研究者所列舉出之內容歸類進行修飾或增減,直到同意度達成共識。最後再請執行父母諮詢的兒童臨床工作者進行最後確認。結果: 研究結果發現動力導向父母諮詢的內涵包括,澄清父母親對於兒童問題的態度與認知、澄清父母親的心智能力與親職功能、提升父母親被涵容以及內容 / 思考小孩的能力以及促進家庭成員角色功能之發揮。而父母親在接受動力導向父母諮詢之後所獲得的效果包括,父母親思考能力的提升、父母親配偶關係的增強以及父母親親職功能的提升。


Purpose: Parent consultation has been considered one of the very important elements in child mental care.However, there is a lack of systemic approach and research in parent consultation in Taiwan. This study aims at studying the content of psychodynamic parent consultation.Method: Under the supervision, two trained clinical psychologists carried out once weekly parent consultation with 14 families. All session notes were taped, transcribed and coded. Through open coding method, the researcher analyzed the data and derived meaning from the data. The results were confirmed by the two parent clinicians and two other qualified child clinical professionals.Result: the result shows that the content of psychodynamic parent consultation includes clarifying parents’attitudes and perception about their children’s problem, clarifying parents’ thinking ability and parental function, enhancing parents’ containing ability and their contained experience, and facilitating the family functions. The result also shows that psychodynamic parent consultation could enhance parents’ thinking ability and improve parental couple relationships and parental functions. The funding seems to be in consistent with the result observed in clinical cases. It is hoped that the result of this study will provide child clinicians a systemic guideline for parent consultation, and to assist future research and teaching.
