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篇名 初任校長的行動日記――走出自己的風格
卷期 82
並列篇名 A Novice’s Action Diary—The Principal’s Own Style
作者 焦熙昌
頁次 001-019
關鍵字 初任校長新生始業式校長交接典禮beginning principalsnew students itself willprincipal handover ceremony
出刊日期 201211




Being a principal is an ideal, as well as a dream, for many educators in Elementary and Junior High school. However, when the brand new educational career sets off, how will it really start? The subject of the study is a new principal to an old school; while the object of the study is an event occurring at school. The writer, in search of the truth behind the event, played the role as an active researcher and interviewed related school staff. After a step-by-step investigation, the multiple and respective truth can finally be clarified.Since the writer is a new principal to n old school, he had to face the departmental egoism and fogyism among school staffs. The school management fell into constructional risks of faction conflicts and low efficiency. The study tries to find out the complexity of staff’s ideology behind their social actions and behaviors by the way of “reduction”. The author applied the method of Phenomenology, starting disclosure with related staff, so as to accelerate the school management w th wisdom and action. In the end, the study returns back to review the actual school policies,as a reference to the school long-term plan and management.
