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篇名 技專校院教師評鑑困境與因應――以教師賦權增能觀點分析
卷期 82
並列篇名 The Difficulties and Adaptations of Faculty Evaluation in Universities of Technology and Technical Colleges: A Viewpoint of Teacher Empowerment
作者 林俊彥陳幼珍
頁次 161-175
關鍵字 技專校院教師評鑑賦權增能教師賦權增能University of Technology and Technical Collegefaculty evaluationempowermentteacher empowerment
出刊日期 201211


教育部於2005 年修正大學法明訂出教師有接受評鑑的義務,技專校院即開始實施教師評鑑制度,但在評鑑的過程中很難取得多數教師認同,而國外亦有許多文獻提出賦權增能對於評鑑的幫助,所以本文希望能從賦權增能的觀點,來探討教師評鑑與賦權增能的意涵,再分析探討教師評鑑中所遇到的困境與如何因應方式,最後就教師評鑑如何符應教師期待,並據以論述賦權增能對於技專校院教師評鑑的啟示,提出建議提供給技專校院經營管理者參考。


Since the Ministry of Education revised the University Act in 2005,stipulating that the teachers has the obligations to be reviewed, Universities of Technology and Technical Colleges has implemented the teacher review system. Although it is difficult to win the identifications of the majority of teachers during the review, many overseas literatures put forward the assistance of empowerment in the review, hence, this study hopes to explore the connotations of teacher review and empowerment from the perspective of empowerment, and then to analyze the difficulties and solutions during the teacher review. Finally, the study proposes suggestions for the reference of administrators of the universities and colleges based on how teacher review fit for teachers’ expectation and the enlightenment of empowerment for the teacher review in Universities of Technology and Technical Colleges.
