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篇名 論 教師懲戒處分之合憲性與適法性―― 以大法官釋字第308號解釋為中心
卷期 82
並列篇名 The Discussion on Constitutionality and Legality of Teacher’s Disciplinary Disposition—Focused on Interpretation No.308 of Council of Grand Justices J.Y.
作者 汪耀文
頁次 176-191
關鍵字 教師公務員懲戒委員會釋字第308 號公務員懲戒法TeacherCommission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of FunctionariesInterpretation No.308 of Council of Gra Justices J.YPublic Functionaries Discipline Act
出刊日期 201211


本文主要採用實證分析法,彙整1996 年至2012 年3 月教師懲戒案件之資料,從大法官會議解釋文、現行法令的觀點,檢驗《公務員懲戒法》施予公立學校教師之懲戒處分的合憲性與適法性;其次,探討我國教師於校園教學現場誤蹈法網之案由;最後,透過公懲會議決書之縷析,了解我國司法機關對教師懲戒事件之處理原則,以供相關人員之借鏡。據司法院大法官會議釋字第308 號意旨,違法失職之兼任學校行政職務教師,受公務員懲戒委員會之議處,猶有法理解讀空間可言;然未兼行政職務之合格專任教師,倘一併歸為公務員懲戒法之適用對象,恐有違憲之虞,一如88 年鑑字第8911 號「於校外殺死同校教師」案、89 年鑑字第9267 號「傷害」案議決書。在衡平兼顧行政行為之適法、強化教師權利及其身分地位保障之前提下,改革我國現行教師行政責任制度,厥為本文關切的核心課題。


This study intended to examine the constitutionality and legality of teachers’ disciplinary disposition due to Public Functionaries Discipline Act from viewpoints of interpretation text of Council of Grand Justices and current law & order.According to Interpretation No.308 of Council of Grand Justices on November 13 of 1992, teachers serving concurrently as administrators of school affairs offend law or are negligent, may be transferred to Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries ,and these events above can be still comprehensible in term of principle of law.Yet full-time qualified teachers who don’t assume no administrative duty are also transferred to Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries as same as ones who serve concurrently as administrators of school affairs ,and these cases couldn’t be conform to constitution ,as examples as Resolution Paper Jiann Tzyh No.8911 in 1999 & No.9267 in 2000 of Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries of Judicial Yuan.How to balance between emphasizing the lawfulness of administrative behaviour and strengthening the rights &status protection of teachers in order to reform current teachers responsibility system is the core point of this study.
