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篇名 高齡友善城市之理念與實踐—臺中市經驗
卷期 59:6
並列篇名 Age-Friendly Cities, Ideals and Practice: The Experience of Taichung City
作者 胡志強蔡炳坤黃美娜蔡淑鳳
頁次 005-011
關鍵字 高齡化社會高齡友善臺中市ageing societyage-friendlyTaichung cityMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201212




Many city authorities around the world are enhancing infrastructures and services to make their cities age-friendly, a process that aims to make city services and facilities more accessible to an ageing population and increase opportunities available to older residents. The process of creating age-friendly environments is a key challenge for international policy makers. The purpose of the paper is to introduce age-friendly city ideals and practices and share the age-friendly city planning experience of Taichung city.
