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篇名 失智症家庭照顧者問題處理能力預測因子之探討
卷期 59:6
並列篇名 Predictors of Competence in Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients
作者 張慈君徐亞瑛陳明岐邱逸榛黃惠玲
頁次 025-035
關鍵字 失智症家庭照顧者問題處理能力dementiafamily caregiverscompetenceMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201212




Background: Differences in dementia symptoms at different dementia stages increase the burden of caregiving. The inability of family caregivers to meet patient needs not only influences the health of the patient, but also impacts negatively on their personal physical and mental health.Purpose: This study explores predictors of competence in family caregivers of dementia patients.Methods: We designed a cross-sectional study to examine 123 participant groups. Each group included one individual diagnosed with dementia and one family caregiver.Results: Predictors of caregiver competence included few / no caregiver chronic diseases, relatively high level of caregiver education, and lack of comorbidities in the care recipient. These predictors explained 26.7% of total variance.Conclusion: We recommend that nurses evaluate caregivers' care competency in order to provide appropriate health information and assistance. Guidance provided should take into consideration the caregivers' educational background. Apart from providing information related to dementia behavior, nurses should also provide caregiver guidance information related to the effects of comorbidities on dementia, as appropriate.
