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篇名 提升恢復室病人的家屬獲得訊息滿意度
卷期 59:6
並列篇名 Increasing Patient Family Member Satisfaction with Information Received from a Post-Anesthesia Care Unit
作者 葉玉梅劉思吟蕭妃秀陳淑卿林芳琴羊梅茹
頁次 073-080
關鍵字 家屬訊息需求滿意度恢復室familiesinformation needssatisfactionpost-anesthesia care unit MEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201212




Background: Families of patients in post-anesthesia care units (PACUs), often feel anxious because of a lack of information on patient condition and post-operative care. Based on interviews with families, we designed a family information needs questionnaire to measure family information needs, satisfaction with information received, satisfaction with post-operative care, and level of perceived anxiety. Results of a questionnaire survey taken in March 2011 revealed an average satisfaction-level score of 75.5%. Factors negatively affecting satisfaction included lack of orientation information on the PACU, unclear PACU navigation information, and general comprehension difficulties due to anxiety.Purpose: A project was designed to increase PACU patient family members' satisfaction levels with information received.Resolution: In April 2011, education material was developed that provided relevant PACU care and PACU orientation information.Results: Improvements directly associated with this project included reducing the incidence of unauthorized entry of family members from 15 to 5 times per day, decreasing the average level of perceived anxiety from 3.4 to 2.2 (1-4), and increasing satisfaction from 75.5% to 92.5% (0-100).Conclusions: By providing education material in response to family needs, nurses can reduce family member anxiety and increase satisfaction with nursing care.
