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篇名 A Pilot Study: Daily Experiences and Sibling Relationship among Siblings of Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Taiwan
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 前驅研究:青少年和成年自閉症者兄弟姐妹之日常生活經驗與手足關係
作者 林玲伊
頁次 163-178
關鍵字 手足關係共同參與活動自閉症AutismShared activitiesSibling relationships
出刊日期 201209




No other familial relationship lasts longer than the sibling relationship. Sibling relationships are one of the most important family relationships in Chinese families. However, there is no published research on the experiences of Taiwanese siblings who have a brother or sister with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The purpose of this study was to examine how siblings of adolescents and adults with an ASD in Taiwan view the relationships with their siblings. We recruited 29 Taiwanese siblings (age ranged from 11 to 27) who had a brother or sister with an ASD. Self-reported written questionnaires were completed by the sibling and included ratings of positive affect in the sibling relationship, depressive symptoms, and a report of whether or not siblings engaged in six shared activities over the past year. Data were presented by descriptive statistics. Taiwanese siblings engaged in several shared activities over the past year. The most frequent activities were meal (93.1%), shopping (93.1%), and visit activities (93.1%). The next frequent activities were vacation (75.9%), recreation (72.4%), and medical (62.1%) activities. Siblings perceived significantly lower levels of positive affect from their brother or sister with an ASD compared to their positive affect toward their brother or sister with an ASD. Positive affect in the sibling relationship differed between the same-gender and mixed gender sibling dyads among Taiwanese siblings. Over half of siblings (58.6%) reported a high level of depression as the cut-off score of 16 has been used. The majority of examined adult siblings (71.4%) indicated that they had a high level of depression. Siblings experienced both positive and negative feelings when living with their brother or sister with an ASD. Parents should pay attention on siblings' adjustment. Adult siblings may have at increased risk of depressive symptoms, which may be worth replicating with larger samples.
