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篇名 從服務協調觀點初探資源貧瘠地區發展遲緩兒童到宅服務
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 Service Coordination Perspective on Home Based Services for Children with Developmental Delays in Rural Areas
作者 林雅容
頁次 211-225
關鍵字 到宅服務服務協調發展遲緩兒童Children with developmental delaysHome based servicesService coordination
出刊日期 201209




The purpose of this study is to analysis the service condition of home based services in rural areas on the perspective of service coordination and to offer some suggestions for the future clinic works. The researcher took eight institutes located in central Taiwan as examples. And the data was collected by focus group interview on December 9th, 2011. Three themes from data analysis were emerged: (1) service using qualification and service offering situation from the perspective of professionals; (2) the operation of professional teams for home based services; (3) the administrative supports from central and local governments. Three themes were reflected to service coordination perspective. Two main points from horizontal coordination were discussed: (1) professionals offered their own resources and services for disadvantaged families because of the limitation of government subsidies and early intervention resources; (2) professionals confronted to lots of administrative works without administrative supports from governments. The viewpoint of vertical coordination revealed that the importance of communication between full- and part- time position professionals. And the institutes were cooperated with other private resources to offer family supportive services. From the results, three suggestions were offered: (1) governments should concern about the distribution of early intervention services; (2) governments should develop performance assessments to conform to and settle the service situations; (3) institutes should assure the communicative quality of professional teams.
