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篇名 特殊需求學生之注意力表現探究
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 A Study on Attention Performance of Students with Special Needs
作者 林鋐宇劉國政張文典洪福源
頁次 179-195
關鍵字 注意力注意力缺陷過動症特殊需求學生智能障礙學習障礙AttentionAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderLearning disorderMental retardationStudents with special needs
出刊日期 201209




The purpose of this study is to clarify the difference of attention performance among four groups of students, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disorder, mental retardation, and regular students. The results of this study could offer clinic workers of education and medical as useful reference, which related to follow-up attention teaching strategies or attention training plans. These results including: 1. Although whole attention performance of all kinds of students with special needs in this study was worse than regular students, students with learning disorder showed normal divided attention ability. 2. Students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder showed four dimensions of attention deficit, including sustained attention, selective attention, alternating attention, and divided attention. 3. Students with learning disorder showed four dimensions of attention deficit, including focused attention, sustained attention, selective attention, and alternating attention. And the alternating attention deficit of students with learning disorder was worst among all groups of students in this study. 4. Students with mental retardation showed attention deficit in all five dimensions, also, the selective attention deficit of students with mental retardation was worst among all groups of students in this study.
