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篇名 正常與存有:精神病理的反思實踐
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 Normal and Existence: Reflective Practice on Psychopathology
作者 林耀盛
頁次 226-238
關鍵字 同理共感受苦精神病理EmpathyPsychopathologySuffering
出刊日期 201209




This review article is explored the psychopathological discourse and echoed the concept of mental illness is a myth. It is called for the whole-person caring model to disclose the mental illness phenomenon. From the view of the historical construction, it is shown that impacts of medical positivism to emerge the objective scientific exploration of psychopathological topics are profound. Positivism is no longer just a theoretical project, but "alienation" intention. After the reflection, it further shows "empathy" is the basis epistemology for re-understanding the psychopathology. A case's narrative fragment, rendering the sufferer's experience, is demonstrated. It is an ethical call for community and moral response. To treat the sufferer from the ontological situation, it is important that a sincere response, rather than a technology oriented approach is required. Since suffered from the abnormal psychological experience, it is meant that patients say goodbye to the old life trajectories and enter new life trajectory of "moral career". They become the strangers beyond what the normal person can comprehend. Whether the strangers as the alienated others or our friends is the testing social norm of tolerance. Through the psychopathology reflection, critique and practice are the important issues imbued with humanistic values and political meaning.
