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篇名 掃描式電阻式顯微鏡在 IC 產業的應用
卷期 34:3=191
並列篇名 Application of Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscope for IC Industry
作者 殷開明金書正
頁次 023-028
出刊日期 201212


二次離子質譜儀大量應用於 IC 產業在離子佈植的調控,因為它具備了很好的空間解析度與大範圍濃度分析,但是它只能提供一維空間的訊息。所以如何觀察電晶體矽基材中二維空間的載子分布是非常重要的,而掃描擴展式電阻顯微術是目前最具此能力的分析工具,因為它具備了高分辨二維空間解析度與大範圍的載子濃度分布兩大優點。在本篇文章中將會討論掃描式電阻式顯微鏡的工作原理以及為何它可以提供小於1 奈米的空間解析度訊息,同時也介紹目前此技術在全球的最新應用。


Although secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis provide good spatial resolution and wide dynamic range for IC industry on implantation engineering control, but it is only for 1D information. To observe high performance of 2D junction profi ling of transistors is very important. Scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) has been shown to be the most promising candidate to provide the high resolution 2D carrier distributions and wide range of carrier concentrations. In this paper, the authors give the explanations about the principle of SSRM and why it can provide < 1 nm high spatial resolution information; meanwhile, we also introduce the most up to date of SSRM development in worldwide.

