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篇名 非接觸式電路板短路檢測雛型系統設計
卷期 34:3=191
並列篇名 Prototype System Design of the Non-Contact Detection in Short-Circuits of PCB
作者 陳建宏張吉進黃國政廖泰杉黃吉宏
頁次 067-079
出刊日期 201212


印刷電路板 (printed circuit board, PCB) 的發明可以說是 20 世紀最重要的發展之一,印刷電路板主要的功能是將設計的電子迴路使用導電材質連接,並將電子元件的功能整合一起。相對的,印刷電路板製作過程中,電路板走線的正確性也變得相當重要,常見的問題就是兩條不應該連接一起的線路因製程過程錯誤或人為焊接的疏失而造成短路,進而使電子產品工作不正常或電源燒毀。本研究提出透過電流流經路徑所產生的電磁訊號變化,設計一個電磁感應量測系統,並整合 X-Y 自動定位平台來達到自動化量測,實驗證明在印刷電路板上使用電磁感測方式,可以有效地顯示出電路短路的區域。


The short-circuit phenomenon is one common error in the operation of electronic circuit. Short-circuit will cause the electrical components damage and the incorrect function in PCB. In general, the detection of short-circuit is performed by using the electrode probe to contact each pad in single PCB or the probe card in mass production of PCD. Due to the fast development of circuit layout, the size of IC with pads is getting smaller; therefore, it is much diffi cult to detect short-circuit in PCB by the pads-contact inspection. This paper presents a method to detect shortcircuit area in PCB without the use of electrode probe, which employs the electromagnetic signals to sense and identify the change of electromagnetic induced by short-circuit.

