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篇名 魂兮歸來哀江南:論沈炯、庾信、顏之推的傷痕書寫與敘事美學
卷期 42:4
並列篇名 The
作者 祁立峰
頁次 625-656
關鍵字 沈炯歸魂賦庾信哀江南賦顏之推觀我生賦傷痕書寫敘事美學Shen Jiong's Return of the SpiritsYu Sin's Sad Thoughts of JiangnanYan Zhi-tui's Contemplating My LifeTrauma writingNarrative estheticsTHCI
出刊日期 201212


西元548 年侯景之亂爆發,建康城破,這毀滅性的災難對於南朝創作者而言,無疑造成了強烈的創傷。歷史敘述的本身或許是某種真實,但文學家根據記憶、經歷而再現的「真實」,同樣值得我們關注。本文從「傷痕書寫」與「敘事美學」兩個角度切入,探討沈炯 (503-561)〈歸魂賦〉、庾信 (513-581)〈哀江南賦〉、以及顏之推 (531-591)〈觀我生賦〉這三篇浩劫「倖存者」的辭賦作品。從傷痕書寫的角度來說,沈炯、庾信、顏之推採取了不同的觀看和再現的視野;從敘事美學角度來說,沈炯多使用第一人稱,與庾信的隱遁其辭和顏之推的自作注解又各有差異。本文透過對辭賦的修辭、典故、意象與互文性之探討,希望重新檢視此三賦對於傷痕經驗的安頓與呈現,進而補充對於梁、陳辭賦的研究。


In 548 AD, Jiankang City 建康城 was destroyed in the Hou Jing Rebellion 侯景之亂. Thousands of people lost their homes and became refugees. This destruction caused trauma o the writers of the Southern Dynasties 南朝. In my opinion, the representation of what is “Real” in history is re-created through the memory of each writer. Therefore, how a writer describes the facts is important to us. In this paper, I study, from the point of view of trauma writing and the aesthetics of narrative, the odes of three survivors: Shen Jiong’s Return of the Spirits 歸魂賦, Yu Sin’s Sad Thoughts of Jiangnan 哀江南賦, and Yan Zhi-tui’s Contemplating My Life 觀我生賦.According to the theory of trauma and the aesthetics of narrative, the three authors observed the disaster in different ways. Through a discussion of rhetoric, allusions,imagery, and intertextuality, I re-examine the traumatic experiences in the three works and add to the study of odes from the Liang-Chen 梁陳 Dynasties.
