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篇名 中風後病患的疲憊感
卷期 23:4=80
並列篇名 Post-stroke Fatigue
作者 李婉菁劉雪蛾
頁次 448-454
關鍵字 中風疲憊介入措施strokefatigueintervention
出刊日期 201212


疲憊感是中風後病患常見且長期的健康問題之一,但常容易讓人忽略。此外,中風後疲憊 亦會對情緒、恢復狀況有負面影響。本文介紹中風病患的疲憊問題,針對疲憊分類、盛行率、 影響因子探討,且彙整以改善中風後疲憊之介入措施的研究文獻,期盼能讓臨床醫護人員對相 關資訊有較多的認識,在臨床上能夠主動評估和提供病患、家屬相關衛教,方能提供相關的治 療效益資m,達到整合性照護的目標。


Fatigue after cerebral vascular accident, one of the most common chronic issues, is often underestimated;and yet, it has prominent negative impact on the patient’s emotion and recovery process. In this article, we had reviewed related literatures and discussed the classification, prevalence, and associated factors of post-stroke fatigue. With an attempt to facilitate comprehensive post-stroke care,this article may serve as a reference for healthcare providers in related fields to be more active and competent in assessing, managing, and educating patients as well as their families on post-stroke fatigue and its associated issues.
