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篇名 漏斗胸納氏矯正手術護理指導之改善專案
卷期 23:4=80
並列篇名 Improvement of Nursing Instruction on “The Nuss Procedure for Pectus Excavatum”
作者 林淑雯石惠美陳麗琴倪同芳陳美菱
頁次 476-487
關鍵字 漏斗胸納氏矯正術護理指導pectus excavatumNuss procedurenursing instruction
出刊日期 201212


本專案旨在改善漏斗胸病人接受纳式矯正手術後,護理人員所提供的護理指導内容,以增 加病人及家屬對術後照護的認知,以及返家後自我照護能力。經現況分析發現護理人員術後護 理指導内容完整性及家屬對護理指導整體滿意度及認知程度偏低。經文獻查證並與專案小組討 論後,提出解決辦法:一、修訂漏斗胸矯正手術護理指導手冊,增加圖示説明及護理指導日程 表。二、制定漏斗胸墙正術護理指導標準流程,病人入院時就給予指導手冊。三、配合病人手 術時段,調整在職教育時間。經改善方案實施後,結果:一、護理人員護理指導完整率由 70.14%提升至100%。二、提供家屬及病人實際操作回覆示教由22.88%提升至99.35%。三、提供 家屬的照顧認知正確性由52.4%提升至95.9%。四、家屬滿意程度由82%提升至94%。漏斗胸矯 正手術屬國内新趨勢之治療,期盼藉此改善專案之分享,作爲護理人員日後照護此類病患之參 考,嘉惠更多病人。


The purpose of this program was to improve nursing teaching on patients after “the Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum” so as to promote the quality of nursing care. After analysis of current condition,both completeness of nursing instruction and satisfaction of family were low. The development of the program improvement was as follows: revision of pectus excavatum surgery nursing pamphlet to include pictures and schedule of nursing teaching; establishment of nursing procedure of pectus excavatum surgery and given to patients on their admissions; and adjustment of continuing education schedule to fit patients’ surgical schedule. After program had been implemented, the results showed that: the completion rate for oral nursing teaching increased from 70.14% to 100%; the rate of correct demonstration back of family and patient after nursing teaching increased from 22.88% to 99.35%; the cognition of family toward care after “the Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum” increased to 95.9% from 52.4%; and the satisfact on of family and patients increased from 82% to 94%. The Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum is a new trend of treatment in Taiwan. The improvement of this program can help nursing professionals in caring this kind of patient.
