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篇名 土石流災害的社會脆弱性研究-以南投縣水里鄉上安社區爲例
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Social Vulnerability for Debris Flow Hazard-A Case Study of Shang-Ann Community in Shueili Township, Nantou County
作者 陳志嘉陳怡如徐勝一
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 上安社區土石流災害社會脆弱性調適能力Shang-Ann Communitydebris flow hazardsocial vulnerabilityadaptive capacity
出刊日期 201006




In recent years, extreme climate and land overuse have led to frequent disasters worldwide, which considerably promotes the importance of research on hazard vulnerability. As an island country, Taiwan is more vulnerable, compared with other countries, when facing global environmental changes. Among all natural disasters, debris flow hazard happening in Taiwan each year causes critical loss of lives and properties to residents here. Due to the above mentioned, this essay, adopting a social vulnerability-based approach, focuses on the human implications of debris flow hazard happening in Shang-Ann Community in Shueili Township, Nantou County. Employing methods including literature review, participation observation, and depth interview, it concentrates on the pressure of livelihood when the residents suffer from debris flow hazard, and on the factors affecting the determinants of adaptation. This research shows that the acquisition of hazard perception and learning, strong social networks, diversity of livelihood, institutions, and economic support, helps improve adaptive capacity. Nevertheless, by changing the livelihoods of those residents, it is also possible to do harm to adaptive capacity in other aspects, and thus results in emerging vulnerabilities. Hopefully, the results of this study could be important references in hazard management for the future government.
