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篇名 國小女性主管之職場充權經驗
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 The working empowerment experiences of female administrators in elementary school
作者 徐郁樺李麗日
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 女性主管職場工作充權female administratorat workempowerment
出刊日期 200906




This research aims at exploring the working empowerment experiences of female administrators in elementary school by adopting qualitative method. The selected subjects are eight female administrators in elementary school. By interviewing the subjects, the empowerment experiences are collected and revealed. Conclusions are as following:The empowerment states at personal level of female administrators in elementary cover forming self-acknowledge, sensing one’s status change,feeling powerful, self efficiency promotion, forming critical thinking. At social relationship level, the empowerment states includes building up good interaction within the family, learning from others, looking for help from others, raising tricks of human relationships, expanding network and receiving support from the society. The empowerment states at social-political level take in participating in political activities, providing feedbacks to others, making contributions to the society, capable of taking actions or controls over the envir nment.
