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篇名 農田水利會閒置空間再利用之評估研究
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 Evaluation on the Regeneration of Abandoned Land Area of the Irrigation Association
作者 曾志民方穩淑
頁次 105-138
關鍵字 閒置空間再利用德爾菲法層級分析法Abandoned Land ArearegenerationDelphi methodAHP method
出刊日期 200906




The evaluation model on the regeneration of abandoned land area was established by using the Delphi and AHP method in this paper. The main considered evaluation items including financial, base environment,policy and sustainable development. Fifteen sub-factors including financial burden, investment benefit, management cost, disaster risk,business activities, transportation convenience, cultural activities, land using district, government reward policies, laws, business model,resident’s participation, major development plans, and regional competence were adopted. Three abandoned land area of the Irrigation Association were selected to be evaluated for the regeneration type of hydraulic exhibition hall. The evaluation model established in the present study is shown to be very valuable to practical application.
