
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences

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篇名 A Class of Multivalent Non-Bazilevič Functions Involving the Cho-Kwon-Srivastava Operator
卷期 26:1
作者 Zhi-Gang WangHeng-Tai WangYong Sun
頁次 001-019
關鍵字 Analytic functionsMultivalent functionsNon- Bazilevic functionsHadamard product Cho-Kwon-Srivastava operatorJack's LemmaSubordination between Analytic functionsSuperor- dinationStarlikeness
出刊日期 201002



The main purpose of this paper is to derive some new properties
for a class of p-valent non-Bazilevič functions involving the Cho-Kwon-
Srivastava operator, such results as subordination and superordination
properties, convolution properties, coefficient estimates, sufficient con-
ditions for starlikeness and sufficient conditions for functions belonging
to this class are obtained
