
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences

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篇名 A New Class Of Meromorphic Multivalent Functions Involving Certain Linear Operator
卷期 25:2
作者 S. P. GoyalJ. K. Prajapat
頁次 167-176
關鍵字 Meromorphic multivalent functionsMeromorphic starlike functionMeromorphic convex functionMeromorphic close-to-convex functionHadamard productRuscheweyh derivative
出刊日期 200905



Making use of certain extended derivative operator of Ruscheweyh
type, we introduce a new class Jp(λ,μ,α) of meromorphic multivalent
function in the punctured disk D = {z : z ∈ C, 0 < |z| < 1}, and obtain
some sufficient conditions for the functions belonging to this class.
