
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences

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篇名 Neighborhood Properties of Certain Classes of Analytic Functions Using the Dziok-Srivastava Operator
卷期 24:2
作者 K. SuchithraA. GangadharanShigeyoshi Owa
頁次 185-200
關鍵字 Analytic functionsStarlike functionsConvex functionsDziok-Srivastava operator Inclusion relationsIdentity function.
出刊日期 200805



The main object of this paper is to prove several inclusion relations
associated with the (n;δ)-neighborhoods of various subclasses of starlike
and convex functions of complex order, which are introduced here by
means of the Dziok-Srivastava operator. Special cases of some of these
inclusion relations are shown to yield known results.
