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篇名 Multi-objective Inventory Model of Deteriorating Items with Space Constraint in a Fuzzy Environment
卷期 24:1
作者 S. KarT. K. RoyM. Maiti
頁次 037-060
出刊日期 200802



Multi-objective inventory models of deteriorating items have been
developed with vague and imprecise information about available storage area.
Here, the objectives are (i) to maximize the profit, (ii) to minimize the
wastage cost due to deterioration and (iii) to minimize the total production
cost. These objectives are also fuzzy in nature. In these models, production
rate is a decision variable along with the usual decision parameters -
inventory quantities. The impreciseness in inventory parameters and objective
goals has been expressed by linear membership functions. We have solved
the proposed model for a particular unit production cost function using
different fuzzy non-linear goal programming techniques based on gradient
method. To incorporate the relative importance of the objectives, the cardinal
weights ( both fuzzy or crisp) have been assigned. The models are illustrated
with numerical examples and results of different models are compared.

