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篇名 智慧型旅遊行程推薦系統
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Intelligent Travel Planning System
作者 蔡維仁陳彥匡謝昆霖
頁次 043-053
關鍵字 旅遊路徑規劃基因遺傳演算法階層分析法關鍵事件技術Travel PlanningGenetic AlgorithmAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessCritical Incident Technique
出刊日期 201211
DOI 10.3966/222369612012110202003


根據世界觀光組織(World Tourism Organization, WTO)2000 年版的分析報告指出,觀光產業對國家的經濟來源扮演重要的角色。本研究以臺灣中部南投縣的溪頭森林遊樂區為例,利用基因(遺傳)演算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)來嘗試建立一套路徑規劃系統,協助旅客尋找最佳的旅遊路線。本系統主要是利用關鍵事件技術(Critical Incident Technique, CIT)來蒐集旅客到溪頭森林遊樂區的旅遊偏好,然後根據旅客的旅遊偏好,再利用階層分析法(AnalyticHierarchy Process, AHP)來得到各景點的整體權重,再結合GA 尋找出最適的遊憩路徑。在本系統的實證執行後,可以證明本系統之有效性,確實可以提供使用者最適路徑,以提供使用者作為參考及建議。未來若有類似之路線規劃與模擬之需求,本系統所驗證之方法實為一有效之解決方案。


According to World Tourism Organization's analysis report in 2000, tourism activity is the first source for foreign exchanges. Although general forest park is occupied amount area and the distance between each scene spots is so far, it makes big distractions for tourists that first come. In consequence, we choose Chi-Tou Forest Park for this study's example and established a web-based route planning system that based on Genetic Algorithm to aid travelers searching for the best route. In this study, we planned two stages for developing this route-planning system: Make a preference matrices according as the tourist that experienced and the park manager. And Begin development by preference matrices.
