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篇名 臺北地區大學生外遇態度之研究
卷期 84
並列篇名 The Study of College Students’ Attitudes toward Extramarital Relationships in Taipei Area
作者 簡致捷柯澍馨
頁次 036-056
關鍵字 臺北地區大學生外遇態度Taipei areaundergraduatesattitude toward extramarital relationships
出刊日期 201303




The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of the undergraduates' attitude toward extramarital relationships in Taipei area, and the influences of different personal backgrounds on attitude toward extramarital relationships. Proportionate stratified sampling was adopted on the samples of 600 undergraduates in Taipei area, among which 556 were valid returns (92.67%). Research instruments included a personal background questionnaire and attitude toward extramarital relationships scale. The major findings are as follows: 1.The undergraduates tend to have less acceptance of extramarital behavior. 2.The undergraduates' attitude toward extramarital relationships significantly differs from gender, premarital sex and cohabitation experience respectively. 3. The attitude toward extramarital relationships shows a low significant and positive correlation between "times of love" and "parents' conflict of marriage" respectively.
