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篇名 高等教育中學術參與和非學術參與之性別分析:女性主義的批判觀點
卷期 84
並列篇名 Gender Analysis of Academic and Nonacademic Participations in Higher Education: Feminist Critical Perspectives
作者 劉國兆
頁次 080-100
關鍵字 性別高等教育學術參與非學術參與女性主義的批判觀點genderhigher educationfeminist critical perspectivesacademic participationsnon-academic participations
出刊日期 201303




Through a feminist perspective, this paper aims to explore gender differences in the academic and non-academic participations among college students. Although female college students surpass males in academic participation, but most males get opportunities to acquire wellpaying jobs in the employment market by choosing male subjects, on the contrary, females especially those at the lower-middle rank end up entering into the fields offering low-paying jobs in the market thus as for nonacademic participation, males are found to be more positive compared to females, and such may limit them from participating in the academic activities more or less, but in terms of advantages derived from the "masculinity" males have, not only they are still more favored over females for well-paying jobs, but the consolidated status of men remains strong. Furthermore, this paper as well provides criticism towards the phenomenon of capitalist market and the patriarchal system hidden within, as well as recommendations for future researches.
