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篇名 香港中等教育考評制度改革對臺灣升學制度的啟示
卷期 84
並列篇名 The Enlightenments from Hong Kong Reformed Examination to Taiwan Selective Educational System
作者 鄭依琳
頁次 118-131
關鍵字 中學文憑考試升學制度十二年國民基本教育Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education selective education system12-year Basic Education System
出刊日期 201303




Hong Kong Education Bureau adjusted education system in 2009, and students entering junior high school in 2006 sit for the first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination in 2012, after completing six years of secondary education. HKDSE Examination try to integrate the advantages from formative measurement and summative measurement, build up the indexes in core subjects, enhance the liberal studies' instruction and testing, consider students' school performance in this examination, and connect this examination with international assessment system. In Taiwan, maybe we can establish the indexes in basic subjects, consult students' school performance, improve the liberal subject's teaching and assessment, and connect our selective education system with international learning system.
