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篇名 知識資產管理對中小學校長學校創新經營之啟示
卷期 84
並列篇名 The Implication of Knowledge Assets Management for School Innovation Management of Principals
作者 紀家雄陳木金
頁次 148-165
關鍵字 知識資產管理學校創新經營智慧資本Knowledge assets managementschool innovation managementIntellectual capital
出刊日期 201303




In the knowledge economy age, innovation of organization is the key concept about competition and organization development. In recent years, many school face the challenge of the changing environment, school principal must manage the school in innovative way to improve the school effectiveness. Many enterprises use knowledge assets management as an innovative strategy to create the new value of organization and have great success. Knowledge assets management is also a new idea of school management, principal can also practice this strategy in managing school. For this purpose, this article analyze the concept of Knowledge assets management and intellectual capital of school. Finally, we offer 4 suggestions as follow: 1. To manage the structural capital of school; 2. To manage the staff human capital of school; 3. To manage the teacher human capital of school 4. To manage the customer relationship capital of school.
