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篇名 校園右向思考空間建構之策略與實踐――以高雄紅毛港遷村新建的二所學校為例
卷期 84
並列篇名 The Strategies and Practice of the School Space Constructing by Right-brained Thinking— Two Reconstructed Schools at Hong-Mao Harbor for Examples
作者 彭彬
頁次 166-186
關鍵字 右向思考空間營造空間賦意right-brain thinkingspace makingspace marking
出刊日期 201303


Pink預言21世紀是感性的時代,精通右向思考的人,將成為時代的主角,因為未來的產業,功能規格只是基本的需求,而美觀、獨特、有意義的藝術創作才是決勝的關鍵。因此,作者認為未來的教育,學校要建構怎樣的場域?可以培養什麼樣的人才?校園右向思考空間的建構,應可做為學校教育施為的一端。 故本文以右向思考為主題,首先分析右向思考時代來臨的原因及其關鍵能力與重要性,之後分析校園空間規劃思考之要素與當今校園空間規劃發展的趨勢,並探討右向思考與校園空間規劃的關係,最後以高雄紅毛港遷村所新建的二所學校為例,以空間營造與空間賦意二個面向為經緯,舉出二校在校園右向思考空間建構的策略與實踐方式,以供其他學校實務發展之參考。


Pink predicted that the 21st century would be an era of sensibility, and those people who are proficient in right-brained thinking would become leaders. In the future, functions and standards are basic criteria for the industry, and the key to success is the aesthetic, unique, and meaningful art creation. To extend the idea to education by asking what kind of school field would be reconstructed, what kind of people would be bred, and what citizenship would the students gain, the author suggests to apply the right-brained thinking to construct the educational environment as an educational agency. This research focuses on right-brained thinking. First, the author analyzes the context of the oncoming right-brain era, the key competences of the right-brained thinking and the importance. Second, the author analyzes the elements of school space planning thoughts and the trends of temporary school space planning development. Two reconstructed schools at Hong-Mao Harbor in Kaohsiung are taken for examples, and analyzed by the space making and space marking perspectives to conclude some strategies and practices.
