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篇名 重新思考校長評鑑:美國中小學校長協會對校長評鑑的建言與啟示
卷期 228
並列篇名 Rethinking Principal Evaluation: NAESSP and NASSP Develop a Framework for Principal Evaluation and Suggestion for Principal Evaluation in Taiwan
作者 張弘勳
頁次 103-114
關鍵字 校長評鑑校長評鑑制度principal evaluationprincipalevaluation system
出刊日期 201304


全國小學校長協會(NAESP)、全國中學校長協會(NASSP)於2011年7月14日共同提出協助各州和各學區開發校長評鑑工具的構想,期能給予有用的反饋與校長成長的機會。NAESP與NASSP組織一個共同委員會,提出一套全國中小學校長評鑑的指導原則,力求校長評鑑更為制度化,並鼓勵校長致力於提高教學品質,規劃探討相關研究報告、評估優良考評模式、與相關單位面談,然後提出一份研究報告。一年後, NAESP與NASSP於2012年9月13日共同發表「重新思考校長評鑑」(Rethinking Principal Evaluation)的研究報告,報告中提出校長評鑑的六項領域內容、有效評鑑架構的四項範圍,以及健全評鑑系統的七項特徵。本文綜合此研究報告之內容和國內外文獻,提出建議,以供我國實施中小學校長評鑑之參考。


In 2011, the National Association of Elementary School Principa ls (NAESSP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) created a joint Principals Evaluation Committee to develop a framework for principal evaluation to be used as a guide for improving professional practice that to increased student learning .The framework includes six keys domains of leadership responsibility that fall within a principal’s sphere of influence. The Principal Evaluation Committee also offers a framework for evaluation that includes the voice of principals and their view of an effective principal evaluation system. That framework includes the four focus areas which are intended to offer a clear roadmap for federal, state and local policymakers as they rethink approaches to make efficacious principal evaluation. Analysis of above study and related literature, and then propose the feasible ways for elementary and junior high school principal evaluation in Taiwan in the near future.
