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篇名 韓國海洋管理體制及對中國的借鏡意義
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Korean Ocean Governing Regimes and Experience China Can Draw From
作者 于耀東
頁次 001-017
關鍵字 韓國海洋管理體制中國海洋管理體制分散管理綜合管理Korean ocean governing regimeconcentrated governing regimedisintegrated governing regime
出刊日期 201212




Ocean is a single body and it needs a comprehensive management. The Korean ocean governing regime has undergone four stages of evolution, which include a concentrated governing regime featured by the Korean Maritime Affairs Bureau in early days, then a disintegrated governing regime, later a concentrated governing regime featured by the Korean Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and currently a concentrated governing regime featured by the Korean Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. The current ocean governing regime of China is a disintegrated one which causes problems such as overlapping functions of maritime related government agencies, waste of administrative resources, and low governing efficiency. China can learn a lot from Korean ocean governing experience. This article presents the evolution of Korean ocean governing regime, analyzes the advantages of concentrated governing regime, and discusses what experience China can draw from Korea to improve the ocean governing regime of China.
