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篇名 海商法判決實證量化分析
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 (Empirical and Quantum Analysis of Judicial Maritime Cases in Taiwan)
作者 饒瑞正
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 海商案件判決實證法學研究實證研究量化分析Maritime CasesEmpirical Legal ResearchEmpirical ResearchQuantum Analysis
出刊日期 201212




This paper investigates maritime law cases in the courts of Taiwan from 1999 to 2010 by empirical legal research method enabling to find out variety of legal issues for the purpose of being objectively important reference for the distribution of research, teaching and law-making sources. The statistic shows there are total 461 cases, 8% of which are connected with legal issues and 68% are hybrid nature with fact and legal issues, that is, 76% are to resolve the legal problems in the maritime code. The quantity of final trial cases are 39 being 8.5% of the total cases. It indicates that contradiction between the parties is well settled in the first and second trial, yet a high percentage of 8.5% of the parties are not convinced in the first and second trials. The statistic also shows 55% are carriage cases, 23% maritime law, 13% scope of application, 8% marine insurance and 1% general average. It is submitted in the conclusion the hot native issues within maritime law for the reference in the aspects of legal research, legal teaching and law-making.
