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篇名 評估漸進多焦點鏡片光學特性的全表面三次元檢測技術
卷期 31:1
作者 黃敬堯
頁次 011-018
關鍵字 漸進多焦點鏡片自由曲面三次元量床
出刊日期 201209




This study evaluated progressive addition lenses (PALs) by measuring the whole-surface height of the lens, which is a non-optical method to characterize the optical properties of PALs including the spherical equivalent, astigmatism, and higher order aberrations (HOAs). Meanwhile, the effect of measuring sample density on the optical properties was also investigated. This study used a contact-type coordinate measuring machine (CMM) to measure the front surface height of a CR-39 PAL which has the freeform, progressive front surface and spherical back surface lens design with plano (0.00 D) distance power and a +2.00 D add power. Within the tested area of 61 mm in diameter, 900 ~ 25,600 samples per lens (0.31~8.76 samples/mm2 or 1.80~0.34 mm/sample) were developed for surface height measurement. The data measured from different sample density were subsequently imported into MATLAB for analysis to derive a representation of surface shape described as the sum of Zernike polynomials. The characterization of the PAL was represented as contour plots of spherical equivalent, astigmatism, and higher order aberrations. The results show that there are no obvious differences in optical properties of the tested PAL when the sample number is no less than 3,600 (≥1.23 samples/mm2 or ≤0.9 mm/sample). It is implied that the sample density of 1.23 samples/mm2 or 0.9 mm/sample can be used as a critical sample density to enhance the inspection efficiency when a PAL is evaluated by the CMM method.
