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篇名 Investigating Taiwanese technological university students’ beliefs about English language learning
卷期 31:1
作者 張瓊文
頁次 061-078
關鍵字 learner’s belieflanguage learningBALLItechnological university student學生信念語言學習語言學習信念調查表科技大學學生
出刊日期 201209


本研究旨在探討科技大學不同科系學生之英語學習信念。本文屬於調查研究,本研究利用Horwitz (1987)所編之語言學習信念調查表,將之稍作修改以調查科技大學的學生所擁有的英語學習信念。參與此調查研究的學生人數共有213 位,分別來自應用外語系(77位)、資訊科技系(48位)、休閒遊憩事業管理系(39位)、幼兒保育系(49位)。問卷之量化分析包含數種使用SPSS 之統計步驟。研究結果顯示: 不同科系學生抱持著各種不同的語言學習信念,在BALLI五項主要分類中有四項(語言學習困難、語言學習的本質、學習與溝通策略、動機與期望)統計結果呈現顯著差異。四個科系的學生所抱持信念呈現不同程度的信度,在某些情況下,“神話"一詞可能是一個更準確的表徵。有些反應可能會讓語言教育學者感到驚訝,有些則與他們既有的直覺與經驗相符。本研究成果將有助於台灣的英語教師進一步瞭解科技大學的學生的英語學習信念是如何影響其學習,俾供未來國內技職教育英語教師在規劃英語文課程設計之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate differences and similarities among technological university students’ beliefs about English language learning. This research was a survey study. The instrument used to collect data was a modified version of Horwitz’s (1987) Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI). Two hundred and thirteen technological university students entered into the study: seventy-seven students of Foreign Languages Department (FL), forty-eight students of Information Technology Department (IT), thirty-nine students of Leisure and Recreation Industry Management Department (LR), forty-nine students of Child Care and Education Department. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires involved several statistical procedures using the SPSS program. The results indicated there have been differences in beliefs among program groups in four categories of BALLI (the difficulty of language learning, the nature of language learning, learning and communication strategies, and motivations and expectations). All four groups’ beliefs have been found slightly different from each other and for some of the items; the students’ responses have been strikingly contrastive. The present findings indicate that students hold a range of beliefs with varying degrees of validity; in some cases, the term “myth” might be a more accurate characterization. Some results reported here may surprise language teaching educators and teacher trainers; others probably confirm their experiences and intuitions. The present study proposed several pedagogical implications and suggestions for the instruction of technological university students’ language learning.
