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篇名 金聖嘆《杜詩解》之接受美學探討――以題畫詩為例
卷期 31:1
作者 邱靖宜
頁次 101-112
關鍵字 題畫詩接受美學金聖嘆《杜詩解》杜甫
出刊日期 201209




In the book, Solutions of Du Fu’s Poetry, the author Jin Sheng-Tan adopts a way of decomposition in reading the poetry of Du Fu, and establishes peculiar explanation among so many explanatory works on the poetry of Du Fu. In the paper, we respectively from the creative intention , perspective and skills to try to retrospective context of the poets. And we can sum up Jin Sheng-Tan’s view of the work of painting from the aspects of intention , selection of the material to the creative skills to use to. From here, we can also see the concepts of Jin Sheng-Tan on poetics. Employing the Western literary theory in acceptance of aesthetics, standing by the side of readers with viewpoints acceptable to them, and from the aspects of intention, perspective and technique, the paper attempts to discuss Jin Sheng-Tan’s suggested theory of “epitome of macro-panorama in micro-scenery” during decomposition of Du Fu’s poems on paintings has any connection with the aesthetic theory of acceptance of “blankness” and readers’ call for structure. Through the paper’s exploration of Jin Sheng-Tan’s decomposition of the poems on paintings written by Du Fu, we not only can know the aesthetic viewpoints of Jin Sheng-Tan himself, but also have more in-depth and thorough understanding of his opinions on Du Fu’s poems on paintings.
