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篇名 室內裝修職災案例原因調查與對策分析
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 The Hazard of Case-Based Survey and Preventive Strategy in Interior Decoration Industry
作者 田耀遠林楨中吳韻吾王莞茹余家均
頁次 1-18
關鍵字 室內裝修危害分析預防對策Interior decoration and repairHazard analysisPreventive measures
出刊日期 201303


近年來,國人對於居住品質已日漸提昇,室內裝修工程量日漸增加。雖內政部實施「建築物室內裝修管理辦法」,但因室內裝修工程多為小規模的工程,具有臨時性、動態性及工期短的特性,勞工及雇主也較容易疏忽作業時的安全。由於較不重視安全衛生設施、未落實安全自主檢查,因而導致勞工發生意外事故頻傳,造成室內裝修工程發生職災的機率提高。根據台北市對全產業重大職災的統計,其中裝修工程約佔所有職災的 11.5%,已不可輕忽。因此,有必要將裝修工程列入當前勞工作業安全研究的課題。本研究主要目的為蒐集室內裝修工程職災實例,進行室內裝修工程災害因果分析,並針對常見災害檢討預防對策。本研究可提供施工單位以及施工作業人員掌握室內裝修工程之災害來源,以避免類似災害情形再度發生。


Interior decorations and repairs of building are usually small construction project with temporary, dynamic and short-term working conditions. Comparatively, labors and employers are easier to neglect the working safety including operation rules, safety devices, and safety inspections when working. The safety risk of interior decorations and repairs are high. According to the statistics of major accidents in Taipei, the accident ratio of interior decorations and repairs is near 11.5%. Working accidents of interior decorations and repairs happen frequently and safety research should pay more attention on this topic. The purpose of this research is analyzing common accidents on interior decorations and repairs, and then reviewing of preventive measures. The major tasks of this research are including:(1) Collect of post-work accident cases; (2) the hazard analysis of work accident data; (3) the survey and review of preventive measures. Based on the results of studies mentioned above, this research will provide the safety analysis of operations, the suggestion of safe working methods and the safety guidance of interior decorations and repairs in building for references.
