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篇名 限流板下游止回閥損壞原因探討
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Research on the Failure of Orifice Plate Downstream Check Valve
作者 江家慶張豐源沈育霖
頁次 19-25
關鍵字 限流板止回閥管閥配置疲勞Orifice plateCheck valveValve arrangementFatigue
出刊日期 201303




The purpose of this article is to research on the vibration and noise caused by disc rolling in the valve body during operation period of pipe line transmission system. It was discovered when dismantlement the pivot pin of the disc in valve body was broken which result in vibration and high noise from the Tilting Check Valve adjacent to orifice. The remaining material produced from the broken pivot pin of Tilting Check Valve in pipe line became foreign objects which might damage the equipment and the detached disc which might block the water flow are all potential risks which should not be ignored. Strained by the existing space, it is not possible to extend the distance between orifice plate and downstream check valve. Therefore, to ensure the reliability, stability and safety of the pipe line system and to enhance the safety of the equipment, we intend to carry out research on the cause of the damage of orifice plate and downstream check valve.
