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篇名 高架橋梁平衡懸臂工法之安全性能分析
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Analysis of the Safety Performance for Balanced Cantilever Method
作者 問世賢張智奇黃榮貴卓昆賢陳彥秀
頁次 26-37
關鍵字 高架橋梁懸臂工法安全性能Elevated bridgeBalanced cantilever methodSafety performance
出刊日期 201303




Balanced cantilever method is a medium to utilize balanced cantilever as bridge construction. Balanced cantilever has the merits of being not restricted to any terrain, reducing the amount of piers and concrete shoring to make it much utilized than other methods. Due to span is longer and tonnage is heavier recently, relative regulations cannot respond to large-scale construction at present. To prevent casualties from operation of balanced cantilever, this research makes a study of safety performance of balanced cantilever method. According to the statistics of the council of labor affairs, the percentage of collapse incidents is higher than any other occupational incidents of balanced cantilever construction, and the primary root cause is the failure of rear anchorages. This research concludes flaws working notices by analyzing accidental cases and safety assessing of balanced cantileve. The finite element method is also used to evaluate the main parts of the balanced cantilever to confirm the limiting strengths and failure modes. All the results can be reference for all the related construction units. The research results about the performance of the balanced cantilever can be used to enhance the site safety and quality and can be used to enhance the safety of the important parts and environment of the balanced cantileveler construction, so the risk of occupational incidents can be reduced.
