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篇名 跌倒職業災害的危險因子分析
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Risk Factors of Occupational Slip-and-Fall Injuries
作者 黃玉立馮靜安徐雅媛徐儆暉
頁次 38-52
關鍵字 跌倒職業災害危險因子Slip-and-fallOccupational injuryRisk factor
出刊日期 201303




Slip-and-fall is an important cause of occupational injuries in Taiwan, causing substantial work losses each year. Earlier studies on slip-and-falls have emphasized on the mechanism of falls, but potential risk factors associated with workers and the environment have not been examined in depth. In this study, we analyzed labor insurance claims on occupational slip-and-fall injuries. Labor insurance claims made between 2006 and 2010 were gathered for analyses, and the data included age, gender and occupation of the cases, type of payment, primary site of injury, and intermediary cause of injury. Between 2006 and 2010, 25,364 labor insurance claims were made due to a slip-and-fall injury at the workplace. The claim cases were mostly (52.8%) males, and 97.1% were injury claims. Most of the slip-and-fall injuries involved older workers, and women 50 years and over were at higher risk of slip-and-fall injuries. Substantial differences were found among occupations in slip-and-fall incidence rates. The highest incidence rate was found in buildings construction industry with similar rates between gender groups; in contrast, the incidence rate in storage and distribution industry among male workers was 4.8 times that of females, and in air transportation industry, the incidence rate in female workers was 4.9 times that of males. Over 50% of the cases involved media that could not be properly categorized, suggesting that the intermediary causes of slip-and-fall injuries may be different than other types of occupational injuries. The results showed that the risk of occupational slip-andfall injuries may be related to age, gender and type of industry. Further studies are needed to examine occupation-related causes to this workplace hazard.
