
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 唐高宗政治權謀的再認識─兼論高宗朝的武則天
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Re-understanding of Tang Kao-tsung Political Trickery: Also on Empress Wu within the Reign of Kao-tsung
作者 羅永生
頁次 039-062
關鍵字 唐代高宗朝武則天Tang DynastyGojong towardEmpress WuTHCI
出刊日期 201206




If we do not comply with the traditional view that the Tang Kao-tsung not
stupid, how can we explain Empress Wu come to the throne in the future. After Kao-tsung changed the Queen, the court did not form one belonging to Wu’s political forces? Were there many difference political views or so-called contradiction between Kao-tsung and Wu? In short, what role Wu played within the twenty-eight years of the reign of Kao-tsung. We can even ask, did her experience in these days, whether affect the use of trickery in the day she came to power in future? The paucity of historical data, it made the discussion more difficulties. For pursue a more reasonable answer to re-understanding the history of Koa-tsung political trickery is necessary.
