
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 大學校長全球化領導知能指標之建構
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 On Developing Indicators for University Presidential Competencies in Global Leadership
作者 王如哲黃月純
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 全球化領導校長知能德懷術global leadershippresidential competencieselphi techniqueTSSCI
出刊日期 201305




The purposes of this study are firstly to understand the insight of presidential competences for global leadership and their relevant theoretical concepts, relevant studies, and secondly to develop indicators for university presidents' competences concerned. Studies concerning the competencies of university presidents discussed in the literature review were further used as the basis of the research design, and then a tworound Delphi questionnaire survey was conducted to collect 12 scholars' views on the insight of the presidents' competencies concerned. The results of the statistical analysis on the returned questionnaires indicate that among all the 44 competencies, the 5 competencies which were regarded as both the most important and the most appropriate are, in descending order, as follows: global vision, ability to pursue information about higher education across countries, ability to pursue resources for dealing with the challenge of globalization, ability to facilitate the whole faculty members' acquisition of global vision and abilities, and ability to encourage every member of the university, and reward them afterwards, to engage in learning activities concerned with globalization. The above 5 competences can be employed as a reference for measuring university or college presidents' competencies in global leadership, and as guidelines for policy makers in initiating training programs for raising university or college presidents' competencies in global leadership.
