
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 魯曼自我再製系統理論與師資培育決策系統之詮釋
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Policymaking of Teacher Education Explained by Luhmann's Theory of Self-Creation System
作者 周文菁林孟潔
頁次 063-083
關鍵字 自我再製系統理論決策決策系統師資培育政策theory of self-creation systempolicy makingpolicy making systemteacher education policyTSSCI
出刊日期 201305




This study applied Niklas Luhmann's theory of self-creation system to explain the policy making of teacher education in Taiwan. We considered the four interrelated factors of the self-creation system, which are sealing of the internal operation, cognition of external openness, operations with structure decision, and operations with environmental adaptability to determine whether the policy making of teacher education in Taiwan has the qualities or not. This study used different interpretation methods for the purpose of better understanding the decision-making process, which was believed to provide a wider perspective on the issue. The results reveal that policies concerning Taiwan's teacher education fail to be formulated through a completely open process. Policymaking process is often driven by external forces, and it is profoundly affected by parties of interests. Policies concerning teacher education in Taiwan fail to be made, using Luhmann's term, in an environment defined by the system. Policy making of teacher education in Taiwan fails to satisfy Luhmann's theory of self-creation system; in fact, it is often driven by external forces.
