
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 我國實施融合教育政策之探討
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 A Study of Inclusive Educational Policy in Taiwan
作者 于承平羅清水林俞均王菊生
頁次 115-146
關鍵字 人權教育政策融合教育human righteducational policyinclusive educationTSSCI
出刊日期 201305




Because students with disabilities need more educational resources, the promotion of inclusive educational policy in Taiwan has progressed at a relatively slow pace. However, as inclusive education has become an international trend and the degree to which a country provides inclusive education has become an indicator of the country's educational development and human rights protection, Taiwan has striven to promote inclusive education by taking various measures such as amending the special education act in 1997. The amended special education act has aimed to promote the so-called "least restrictive environment" inclusive education. Much has been achieved since 1997, but there is still room for improvement. For a better understanding and analysis of the current development of inclusive education in Taiwan, this study used document analysis method and secondary data analysis to investigate the developmental process and the content of the inclusive education of the United Nations, the United States and Finland. Based on the findings, five recommendations are made. First, Taiwan should adopt the UN frameworks. Second, teachers of all levels should have a clear understanding of what human rights are, and there should be a shift in their mindset regarding inclusive education and human rights. Third, special education teachers should have knowledge about the education for disabled students, and they should be recognized as such professionally. Fourth, teachers of general education should have professional competence in the education for disabled students. Finally, there should be more and better programs or activities for promoting inclusive education. On top of the above five recommendations, inclusive education in Taiwan should be developed in accordance with Taiwan’s sociocultural context in order to develop innovative educational strategies and to be counted as a developed country.
