
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 The Impacts of Serum Uric Acid on arterial hemodynamics and Cardiovascular Risks
卷期 29:2
作者 Pai-Feng HsuShao-Yuan ChuangWen-Chung YuHsin-bang LeuWan-Leong ChanChen-Huan Chen
頁次 142-150
關鍵字 Cardiovascular riskHemodynamicsUric acidMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 201303



Hyperuricemia, and its clinical manifestation gout, is a metabolic disease process that has been recognized since the dawn of medical inquiry. Uric acid was hypothesized to be a mediator of cardiovascular disease for period of time. Epidemiological correlations of hyperuricemia with hypertension and cardiovascular events were evident for two centuries’ studies. With recent animal studies shedding light on the causal mechanisms of hypertension, and clinical trials suggesting that urate-lowering therapy can lower blood pressure, there appears to be growing evidence of a connection between hyperuricemia and cardiovascular disease. To help bring this recent uric acid research into context, we have undertaken this narrative review of hyperuricemia, hypertension, its hemodynamics and its outcomes, and the risk for cardiovascular diseases.

