
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Spontaneous Retro-Orbital Subperiosteal Hemorrhage with Complete Resolution Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction
卷期 29:2
作者 Hsu-Ping WuChia-Jung TsaiJui-Peng TsaiChung-Lieh HungJen-Yuan KuoCharles Jia-Yin Hou
頁次 181-184
關鍵字 Acute myocardial infarctionPercutaneous coronary interventionRetro-orbital subperiosteal hemorrhageMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 201303



Among the several treatment strategies available for acute myocardial infarction, primary percutaneous coronary intervention concomitant with antithrombotic agents is the primary treatment used to facilitate coronary reperfusion. However, bleeding can create major complications. Here we have presented a case of acute myocardial infarction treated with reperfusion therapy, after which developed a sudden onset of proptosis, with high intraocular pressure, blurred vision, and ecchymosis of the left eye. Spontaneous retro-orbital subperiosteal hemorrhage, a rare complication,was diagnosed based on those symptoms as noted above, aswell as other orbital signs and imaging evaluation. Multiple antithrombotic agents, including antiplatelets, low molecular weight heparin, and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor were thought to be the main precipitating factors of this complication. Thereafter, conservative medical treatment was applied. In the following 2 weeks, all the patient’s orbital signs resolved gradually without visual impairment. In conclusion, our experience with a rare case of complications arising from reperfusion therapy used to treat myocardial infarction suggests that clinicians should remain vigilant for any hemorrhagic events during acute myocardial infarction treatment.

