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篇名 雅俗之間的話語轉遞現象分析——從宋代「話 本體」小說〈張浩〉一文談起
卷期 32
並列篇名 The narrative transfer phenomenon analysis between serious and popular- From Vernacular legend of the Song Dynasty ’’ Zhang Hao”
作者 傅正玲
頁次 075-091
關鍵字 話本體傳奇鶯鶯傳張浩宿香亭記敘事觀點Vernacular legendBiography of YingyingZhang HaoSu Xiang Ting recordsNarrative point of vieTHCI Core
出刊日期 201212


宋代文言小說最大的特色是文人的作品和市民話本小說出現合流的趨勢,陳 文新將這類作品命名為「話本體傳奇」,從小說的敘事模式來看,唐傳奇與宋元明 的話本,二者間有很明顯的差異,其分屬文言與白話兩種語言系統,創作意識上 「資於選言,入於文心」與「諧於里耳」的美感要求也不同,同時,文本接受者 的所處場域更直接影響了敘事模式,這文白兩系的小說流脈,在宋代的小說創作 中,曾發生重要的轉折,就如同李劍國所言,「這在小說史上是意義重大的」,尤 其在敘事模式上,話本體傳奇扮演一個「轉遞者」的角色,而其文體特色究竟如 何?頗值得一探。
承繼在唐人傳奇之後,宋代文言小說的創作頗被認為「規撫唐人」,《青瑣高 議》別集中所列〈張浩〉一文,承衍了〈鶯鶯傳〉的故事,但在運用唐代小說文 本時,則顯出特殊的文化意識。陳文新即認為〈張浩〉「可視為元稹《鶯鶯傳》的 翻案之作」,而此篇《話本體》傳奇應曾是宋代說話人所講述的故事,在《寶文堂 書目》著錄有宋元話本〈宿香亭記〉,《綠窗新話》卷上有〈張浩私通李鶯鶯〉,而 明馮夢龍《警世通言》中有一篇〈宿香亭張浩遇鶯鶯〉,內容完全是〈張浩〉一文 的話本化,從唐傳奇〈鶯鶯傳〉到〈張浩〉,再從〈張浩〉到話本〈宿香亭張浩遇 鶯鶯〉,宋代文言小說如何趨向「話本」?本論文透過文本分析,探討當中「雅」 「俗」意識的轉遞,及其敘事模式的發展與美感差異。


Song Dynasty classical Chinese novel appear the trend of literati works and folk vernacular novel confluence phenomenon. Scholars from mainland China, said such works is Vernacular legend. Investigate from the novel narrative mode, short stories of Tang and Song and Ming vernacular novels have obvious differences. They are two different languages, creation’s awareness and sense of beauty is not the same. At the same time, the text recipients in which the field is more likely to affect the narrative mode. The literary style novel and folk vernacular novel belong to different novel flow, have occurred in the confluence of the Song Dynasty novels. In the novel the history is of great significance.
Confluence of classical and vernacular fiction phenomenon, how to develop in the Song? In this thesis through the text analysis of “Zhang Hao’’ to explore the serious and popular awareness forwarding, and the development of the narrative mode, and aesthetic differences.
